

(Greenest Provinces in Canada According to Latest Report Card, 2014)

As said in previous posts, this is a growing issue that needs more recognition from the general population as well as the people in society we chose to hold the power as they will have the more influence on the topic on a large scale. As an individual one major thing someone can today today to help with the problem is to spread awareness and jump on the bandwagon in trying to convince the higher ups to start to make this issue a number one priority in the world right now. Also small things that an individual can help with are things like conserving water and electricity around the house, switching over to an electric run car if one is financial able to, and always properly recycle. The future of this issue in society is hopefully a brighter one then where we are currently. We are even progressing every year and gaining more awareness then in previous years but its still not enough for concrete change. The next steps are for the government to have all their focus on this issue and to start creating strategy plans on how to slow down the process or at least stop the production of major carbon dioxide emitters. If eventually in the future change is successfully achieved and we stop our warming of the earth it can only be maintained if people completely stop emitting greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, and even if that happened the earth would still be damaged and would not be able to heal itself until the next ice age.



Greenest Provinces in Canada According to Latest Report Card. (2014). [image] Available at: [Accessed 20 Jan. 2018].

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